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System Requirements

The following are the minimum software and hardware requirements to run Charmed PostgreSQL on K8s.


  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy) or later.


The charm supports several Juju releases from 2.9 LTS onwards. The table below shows which minor versions of each major Juju release are supported by Charmed PostgreSQL.

Juju major release Supported minor versions Compatible charm revisions Comment
3.6 LTS 3.6.1+ 444/445+ Recommended for production.
3.5 3.5.1+ 280+ Known Juju issue in 3.5.0
3.4 3.4.3+ 280+ Know Juju issues with previous minor versions
3.3 3.3.0+ from 177 to 193 No known issues
3.2 3.2.0+ from 177 to 193 No known issues
3.1 3.1.7+ from 177 to 193 Juju secrets were stabilized in 3.1.7
2.9 LTS 2.9.49+ 73+
2.9.32+ 73 to 193 No tests for older Juju versions.


  • Kubernetes 1.27+
  • Canonical MicroK8s 1.27+ (snap channel 1.27-strict/stable and newer)


  • 8GB of RAM.
  • 2 CPU threads.
  • At least 20GB of available storage.
  • Access to the internet for downloading the required OCI/ROCKs and charms.

Supported architectures

The charm is based on the charmed-postgresql snap. It currently supports:

  • amd64
  • arm64 (from revision 211+)

The charm is based on the ROCK OCI named charmed-postgresql.

Contact us if you are interested in new architectures!


At the moment IPv4 is supported only (see more info).

Contact us if you are interested in IPv6!

Last updated 2 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.